Recently, I had the opportunity to exit the city and enter the county. I explored Converging Creeks Farm which operates Food|Waves ( and sells their produce at our local farmers market at PSU ( and is an advocate for sustainable agriculture. I was able to photograph all aspects of the farm from turkeys and goats to harvesting squash and planting lettuce – I even experienced a fresh meal picked right from the farm; which by the way was fantastic. The entire day was filled with new knowledge and information about fresh food, cooking methods and the inner workings of a farm community. I loved the outdoor kitchen area and the two little puppies running around carelessly. It was an amazingly different day from my city life.
Special thanks to Co-Executive Director Nathan McFall, Alicia Milligan and intern Jessica McNaughton for allowing me to showcase a vibrant alternative and fruitful example of living from the land.
Details about Food|Waves
A Non-Profit Bringing
Solutions to the Global Table
About Food Waves
Food|Waves promotes sust-ainable agriculture as a long-term solution to major environmental issues facing the overall health of the world’s soil, water and people. Our aim is to develop future farmers by providing the technical and financial support necessary to learn how to grow organic food for local consumers.