Specialty Headshots

Select your headshot type for one of our quick-start guides. 

Company team headshots, corporate professional, lawyer, healthcare professional, doctor, residency student, real estate agent, therapist and new profile photos for Linkedin are the most common types of headshots we make.

Headshots in Studio


Residency Students and Medical Doctors

Let prospective patients and peers in the medical community know you care about the way you’re perceived by trusting Erica J. Mitchell to create portraits with professional flair.

Are you a student? Submit a professional ERAS® photo with your application!

Headshots in Studio



Getting a superb headshot is one of the first steps in establishing online trust with potential clients.

Clients seeking therapy want to see that their future provider is kind, happy, and trustworthy – especially if they’ve had a lousy therapist in the past.


Companies and Employers

Group headshot sessions are available for companies seeking new or updated headshots of their employees and teams.

Portland Lawyer Attorney



One of the best ways to build credibility is to present yourself well. That means you need your potential clients to have confidence in you, not only personally, but more importantly, professionally.

Connect with your clients with high quality, authentic imagery that establishes trust.

Headshots in Studio



Your first impression in telling that tale is your headshot!

Everyone professional needs a headshot, and everyone deserves one that conveys individuality and highlights who they are.

Company Group Team Headshots in Portland Oregon Photographer Corporate



Great corporate headshots are an essential. 

By preparing well for a corporate headshot session, you’ll end up with headshots that reflect you, your personality and your work.

Company Group Team Headshots in Portland Oregon Photographer Corporate


Linkedin Profile Photo

Good Linkedin headshots assist in establishing your profession and distinguishing yourself from your peers.

You’ve worked hard to get your qualifications and build your professional reputation; now it’s time for your LinkedIn and professional profiles to do the same!

Headshots in Studio



How you display yourself online is crucial. Professional headshots from Erica J Mitchell are a great way to communicate your style and personality.

Your first impression in telling that tale is your headshot! Everyone professional needs a headshot, and everyone deserves one that conveys individuality and highlights who they are.

Realtor Headshot Portland



Even though it is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, in the case of your online presence, that first impression could be worth thousands of dollars in commissions.

Capture and relay the passion, personality, and professionalism of who you are and what you and your business do.

Company Group Team Headshots in Portland Oregon Photographer Corporate


Strobe Flash Headshots

Strobe flash photography is a classic technique that has been used in studios for decades using artificial light. It is very directional which limits the area in which the subject can move around. However, this setup can be great for single image headshot packages or team headshots.

Corporate headshots are commonly created using this technique.

Headshots in Studio


Natural Light Headshots

Natural light headshots is a style of lighting a subject using only available light. For us, we use a studio located in Portland, Oregon to create our style of natural light headshots.

The technique is to use the large south facing windows fully open on cloudy days and covered with white curtains on sunny days to create a diffused lighting glow that we use on our clients as our signature style.

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