View our 2024 headshot guide to company team headshots.

Learn about what they are, how to get company headshots that match, what makes a good company team headshot, how to prepare for your headshot, choosing backgrounds, posing, how much company headshots cost, and tips on coordinating with your team prior to the session. 

What Are Company Team Headshots?

Team headshots are individual professional mini photography sessions to capture the individuals of a company. Use team headshot sessions to update your company’s website or to onboard new hires. These sessions require two staff members for team headshot pricing. Team headshots are created in our studio, outdoors or on-site at the client’s office for easy coordination.

Creating staff headshots with the team at Erica J Mitchell Photographer allows for consistant lighting and backdrops for companies updating over time or onboarding new employees to their team. Returning headshot clients recieve an automatic 10% off future bookings.

View Company Team Headshots Gallery↗

grid of 9 corporate team members with a gray background
Studio Headshot

Why is it Important for Companies to Have a Team Headshots that Match?

Having headshots that match is important to provide consistency to your brand and website. Seamlessly coordinate your onboarding system by setting up new hires with headshots to match the existing team.

Booking for updated or new hire headshots that match allows for the headshots on the website to look consistent as if they were all photographed at the same time. This allows for companies to onboard without the stress of making an old headshot work.

For companies that are growing and hiring staff, consistent looking company headshots is key to a website presentation and the professionalism of your business.

One option we offer to help headshots match is for the client to choose solid colored backgrounds retouched to each headshot. If there is already an established background, for example medium gray, the next new hires will get the same background color.

Pro tip: Some company headshots are cropped funny or too warm toned or too cool toned compared to the other headshots. As a client at no charge, we offer to color match previous headshots to match new ones!

What Makes a Good Company Team Headshot?

A great company headshot reflects your professionalism as well as your personality. As a result, it’s critical to think about your photo’s settings, background, expression, attire, and poses.

Consider a simple background and coordinate with your team for dressing for your industry or company brand. 

Company team headshots that have the same background color, lighting and poses can showcase the unity of a company. 

Headshots for Therapists
Headshots for Therapists

Preparing to Take a Perfect Company Team Headshot

Before your headshot session, ensure you’re well-rested, hydrated and allow for plenty of time to get ready. You’ll also want to pick out an outfit or two. Think comfort, and think layers. There is a changing area with mirrors for your outfits. If your clothes need it, a quick ironing goes a long way for your headshot.

Consider getting a professional haircut or style and light makeup to enhance your features. If you are not used to a makeup and hair routine, consider giving yourself a few minutes to apply foundation and a quick style.

Visit How To Prepare For A Headshot Session for more details.

Choosing the Right Company Team Headshot Background

The background of a company team headshot should be simple and uncluttered, allowing the focus to remain on the subject. Studio backgrounds can provide a solid-color for your professional headshots

In our Natural Light Studio located in NW Portland, Oregon, we photograph with a white background for most of our headshots. Depending on the client’s needs, we can desaturate the background, add a gradient, or change the color completely.

A neutral color that complements the subject’s attire and the company’s brand colors is often a good choice.

We can customize the background color to match your brand.

View our Studio Background Guide↗

    Headshots for Therapists
    Headshots for Therapists
    Lawyer Attorney at Law Headshot

    How to Pose for Company Team Headshots

    Posing for a company headshot should reflect your professionalism and confidence. During your sessions we will go through a few poses standing or sitting,

    Pro Tip: Sit on the edge of the seat to help you sit up straight, angle your body slightly towards the camera, and remember to smile naturally. Decide ahead of time if you’d like to show teeth or none at all, or both.

    The aim for your company headshot is to reflect your role within the company and to look approachable and trustworthy. One thing we keep in mind while posing during your session is, your pose should be consistent with the other members of your company when they’ll be shown side by side on the website or other digital platforms such as social media.

    How much do Company Team Headshots cost?

    We offer group headshot sessions for companies seeking new or updated headshots of their employees and teams. 

    Team headshot sessions start at $240 per person for a group of two employees. The more emoployees at the session, the cheaper the price per person is.

    Minimum two staff members required for group pricing.
    Add a team photo for $55.

    All Pricing Includes:

    1. Corporate group photography sessions (5-10 minute each)
    2. Proof gallery for selecting
    3. 1 final retouched photo in two file formats for print and web
    4. Image usage rights
    5. Includes Studio Rental

    Great for marketing executives, new hires, corporate events and retreats, hybrid and remote team in person workshops, and updating photos of your team members on your company website.

    Corporate Team Headshot Pricing

    1 person 20 min $325
    See Individual Pricing for more information.
    2 – $240 each
    3 – $225 each
    4 – $210 each
    5 – $195 each
    6 – $180 each
    7 – $170 each
    8 – $160 each
    9 – $150 each
    10 – $145.00 each
    11 – $135.00 each
    12 – $130.00 each
    13+ $125.00 each flat rate

    View Team Headshot Pricing↗

    Headshots for Therapists
    Headshots for Therapists

    Coordinating for Company Team Headshots

    What is the best way to coordinate group headshot sessions with the photographer?

    Typically headshot sessions are coordinated 2-3 people every 15 minutes, or one person every 10 minutes. We like to schedule in blocks of 3 hour sessions for groups over 40. For example, we’d book 12 people each hour for 3 hours and take a 15 minute break, then repeat.

    We found there are two types of ways to help a coordinator manage headshot sessions for teams.

    One method is using Sign Up Sheets. Sign up sheets are great and help the subjects know when to arrive, although sometimes people are late. It’s helpful for the coordinator to be able to find someone if they don’t arrive to their scheduled time. Plan to have people sign up for every 10 minutes. Please provide a copy of the teams names their email addresses for putting together proof galleries after the sessions.

    Another method we call, Tag . Some coordinators will either have the subject that finishes up get the next person, or they will go get the next person when one is done. The Tag technique is great for getting people one right after the other and sessions can go more quickly. When this style is used our team can bring their own sign up sheet so we know who went in what order.

    How long do you need for each headshot? 

    Sometimes we only need 2-5 minutes with a subject, sometimes up to 10 minutes, it usually depends on the comfort level of a subject. Some folks need more time in front of the camera. We don’t usually go over 10 minutes. But we like to over guess how much time for the sessions just in case we need to move lights or adjust for anything. For example, if we are moving pretty fast, it’s possible we could do 12 headshots within 1.5 hours.

    Common Questions for Company Team Headshots

    What do we get with our company team headshots session?

    Each person will have a 5-10 minute session that includes one image selection from the proof gallery received by email to each person or Point Of Contact (POC) a couple days after the session.

    The proof gallery will have between 4-8 images to select from. After the one selection is made, the images is then edited and formatted for print and web. The images are then delivered to each recipient or the POC for quick and easy use!

    What if I don’t like my headshot?

    There is no charge for reshooting a session!

    Do you offer a black and white copy?

    Black and white images are not included but are available upon request with no additional fees.

    Can I see some examples of company headshots?

    Yes! We have a Company Headshots Gallery and more details about our Company Headshot Pricing

    Add a team group photo to your headshot sessions.

    We offer company group photos for businesses. Either book a group photo session or add-on to your headshot booking. We’ve got it covered.

    Team photos can create trust between potentioal customers and your business. Customers will like to know who they will work with before investing in a business’ services. A group photo can show the harmony of a work team and also show the growth of the company.

    View our Team Group Photo Guide↗

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