This is day two (of three full days of reviewing) of the bi-annual Photolucida portfolio reviews held this year at Jupiter Next in Portland Oregon.
Featuring Sasha Wolf for the Lunchtime Chat: “How I Choose to Add New Artists to the Roster” and booksigning of PhotoWork.
“Photolucida is an arts nonprofit based in Portland, Oregon. Our mission is to provide platforms that expand, inspire, educate and connect the regional, national, and international photography community.”
Every other April, an international set of photographers and reviewers gather in Portland, Oregon for a five-day celebration of photography that includes lectures, workshops, and exhibition collaborations. Intensive portfolio reviews are at the heart of the festival. Reviewers are selected for their experience, involvement, and commitment to advancing the work of emerging and mid-career artists. Over the years, many participants have made contacts that have led directly to exhibitions, publications, and sales, in addition to receiving useful critiques.
By providing a venue for in-depth, informed, and supportive dialogue between photographers, gallery owners, curators, publishers, editors, and consultants, Photolucida promotes the culture of photography locally, nationally, and internationally. The next Portfolio Reviews event will take place April 21-23, 2022 in Portland, Oregon.” from About | Photolucida